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Vision Problems

A concise guide to some of the most common vision problems diagnosed and treated at the O’Byrne Eye Clinic.

There are many different types of vision problems that could be affecting your eyesight. But, for the purposes of this guide, we will be focusing on four of the most common causes of impaired vision. These, along with many other vision impairments, are treated with care and precision by the eye care providers at the O’Byrne Eye Clinic.


Astigmatism results in blurring of all images whether they are near or far. Other symptoms of astigmatism include the need to squint, eye strain from squinting, headaches and eye fatigue. This usually occurs when the cornea is shaped like a football with a steeper curve in one direction and a flatter curve in the other, rather than round like a basketball. This uneven shape causes light rays entering the eye to focus on more than one point, rather than only one point as they should.

Astigmatism is very common, affecting about 1 in 3 people, and is usually present at birth. If you are nearsighted or farsighted, there is a good chance that you have a touch of astigmatism too. A small degree of this refractive error is considered normal and does not require correction.

Treatment options include glasses, contact lenses, or LASIK/PRK.

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Farsightedness, medically known as hyperopia, refers to vision that is good at a distance but not at close range. Farsightedness occurs when the eyeball is shorter than normal, as measured from front to back, or when the cornea has too little curvature. This reduces the distance between the cornea and retina, causing light to converge behind the retina, rather than on it.

If you are mildly farsighted, your eye care provider may not recommend corrective treatment at all. However, if you are moderately or severely hyperopic, you may have several treatment options available, including eyeglasses, contacts, LASIK and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Schedule an appointment with one of our providers at the O’Byrne Eye Clinic so we can determine the best treatment option for you.

Myopia (Nearsightedness)

Nearsightedness, medically known as myopia, refers to vision that is good at close range but not at a distance. It generally occurs because the eyeball is too “long” as measured from front to back.

Nearsightedness is diagnosed during routine eye exams and possible treatments include eyeglasses, contacts, acrylic corneal implants, LASIK, radial keratotomy (RK) and photorefractive keratotomy (PRK). Schedule an appointment with one of our providers at the O’Byrne Eye Clinic so we can determine the best treatment option for you.


Do you need reading glasses? Chances are, you have presbyopia, which is a disorder that causes a decrease in the eye’s ability to focus, typically as a result of the natural aging process that everyone will eventually experience. The first signs usually begin to appear in the early mid-40’s, which is why so many middle aged people begin to need reading glasses or bifocals around this time.

While the exact cause of presbyopia is still under research, the common theory is that the muscle fibers around the eye’s natural lens stiffen and lose their elasticity, decreasing the eye’s ability to change the lens’ shape. As our natural lens becomes less flexible, we are less able to focus on close objects.
Treatment options include reading glasses, bifocals, trifocals, or bifocal contact lenses. Schedule an appointment with one of our providers at the O’Byrne Eye Clinic so we can determine the best treatment option for you.

Your eye care provider at The O’Byrne Eye Clinic will work with you to diagnose your vision problem and suggest the best treatment option for your eyes at our Ophthalmology offices on the Northshore. For more information, request an appointment with your eye care provider, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.