Comprehensive Eye Exam
At the O’Byrne Eye Clinic, we know just how important the health of your eyes is and our physicians and staff want to make sure that they stay healthy.
We offer comprehensive eye exams to meet the needs of all of our patients, including children, whether it’s just a basic vision exam or checking the health of your entire eye. These thorough exams allow the doctors to check for more serious issues, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, dry eye syndrome, and retinal tears. If discovered early enough, most of these conditions can be treated before they permanently impair your vision.
The only way we can ensure that your vision is as clear and comfortable as possible is to have a comprehensive eye exam by one of our Ophthalmologists here at either of our offices.” – then space (like a closing paragraph) and add “Even if you believe that you have perfect vision and experience no issues with your eyes, a comprehensive eye exam can be one of the best precautions you can take to protect the overall health and wellness of your eyes. There’s no need to put it off any longer, contact the O’Byrne Eye Clinic and set up your appointment today.